
9.5% growth presents a unique opportunity to invest and build in the DRC

16 March 2016

Currently one bag of cement in the DRC may cost as much as US$12 to US$15, contributing to the country’s yearly 16-kg cement consumption per capita, the lowest in Africa. But this trend is set to change as the DRC begins to exhibit growth rates reaching over 9%.

Increased economic growth is driving infrastructure development, spurring construction and infrastructure projects reflecting growing confidence and trust in the country and its economy.

With a housing deficit estimated at three million homes coupled with a growing population, the DRC need for investment into the sector is critical. Currently the majority of housing in the DRC is developed by households themselves, but as shifting demographics and urbanisation levels rise, more developers enter the marketplace for large-scale residential and commercial projects edging the DRC towards a construction boom.

A unique opportunity to invest and build in the DRC takes place this April during the “Executive Insider Briefing: DRC series.” This series of high level think-tank sessions will not only identify opportunities to increase local demand and application of cement to facilitate investment into the sector but also provide inside access to lucrative opportunities for local property development.

The “Executive Insider Briefing: DRC” is a series of two one-day forums aimed at driving investment into turnkey sectors in the DRC.

The “Executive Insider Briefing: DRC Cement Sector” paves the way to reducing the high cost of cement in the DRC and boosting demand and consumption for the material nationwide while the “Executive Insider Briefing: DRC Property Development” provides inside access to lucrative opportunities for local property development.

These high level executive briefings will provide inside access to doing construction business in the DRC during all stages of investment and operations. The “Executive Insider Briefing: DRC series” is a unique opportunity to influence local supply and demand and determine the future of cement, concrete and construction in the DRC.

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