
Gauteng Premier sends Vadi to assess collapsed N3 pedestrian bridge

10 August 2017

Gauteng Premier David Makhura dispatched the MEC for Roads and Transport Ismail Vadi to asses the damage caused by the collapsed pedestrian bridge which runs across the N3 freeway near the Geldenhuys interchange.

Five people – including a seven-year-old child – were injured in the early hours of Wednesday morning when an overhead pedestrian bridge collapsed onto passing cars along the N3 freeway in Germiston, Ekurhuleni.

A critically injured woman was airlifted to hospital.

As a result, the road between the Van BuurenRoad and the M2 Geldenhuys interchange has been closed while efforts to clear debris are under way and the cause of the collapse is probed.

Makhura said he had learnt with shock of the incident of the disused pedestrian bridge, which fell on three trucks and a car and also resulted in other crashes.

“MEC Vadi is on the ground and he is part of the efforts to ensure the freeway is cleared and is opened and the cause of this disaster is determined. We wish all those affected a speedy recovery and are relieved that there have not been any fatalities,” Makhura said.

The South African National Road Agency said engineers and emergency services were at the scene. It could take at least two days for demolition experts to dismantle the remainder of the bridge. 

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