
Gauteng creates 700 000 new jobs

28 June 2017

The Gauteng economy created 700 000 new jobs between 2010 and 2016 despite challenges in the economy, says Gauteng MEC for Economic Development, Lebogang Maile.

Delivering his Budget Vote on Monday in the Gauteng Legislature, MEC Maile said the Gauteng economy has remained relatively resilient and has recorded the largest nett gain in new jobs since the 2008 global financial crisis.

“In fact, since we came into office as the fifth administration in 2014 bi-annual employment has reached 317 000, breaking the ceiling of 300 000.

“Our provincial economy also succeeded in attracting investment, despite the seemingly unfavourable investment climate,” he said.

MEC Maile said between 2014 and 2016 the province attracted R66 billion worth of foreign direct investment inflows, with the Gauteng Growth and Development Agency putting in a great effort to make Gauteng a desired investment destination.

In addition, 2 732 businesses were assisted to access regulatory departments and entities through the Gauteng Investment Centre (GIC).

“The GIC has created a platform for local businesses to interact with their international counterparts. The platform has been further extended through our partnership with Trade Invest Africa (TIA), an initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry.

“This initiative is aimed at informing the Gauteng business community about the support services offered by TIA in facilitating trade and investment with the rest of Africa,” MEC Maile said.

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