
Concrete Society’s seminar on the Reduction, Reuse and Recycling of Concrete

01 March 2016

Over the last decade cement & concrete industries worldwide have embraced responsible manufacturing practices. Sustainability has become a given – no longer a special item on the agenda. Yet the quest to minimise waste and to reduce landfill remains a priority to address the onslaught on our environment. The Green Building Council of South Africa is promoting the use of recycled materials in construction and offers credits to those who reduce, reuse and recycle materials wherever possible. The on-site recycling of construction rubble such as concrete is fast becoming a cost-effective solution and a growing business option. Environmentally, it has to be the way to go, to reduce the need to dump waste materials onto landfill sites, which are rapidly coming to the end of their lives. Learn more about what is being done and what could be done to increase the use of recycled concrete in our structures at ReCon 2016 seminar taking place in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Johannesburg and Durban from the 7 – 10 March respectively. Concrete.TV is proud to be the offical media partner to the ReCon 2016 seminar. 

Key Speakers and topics include: 

  • Myths and truths around concrete recycling: Bryan Perrie,The Concrete Institute
  • A secondary materials economy in construction and demolition waste – opportunities and challenges in concrete: Kirsten Barnes, GreenCape
  • Sustainable concrete the European experience: Mark Tomlinson, LafargeHolcim Group
  • Using recycled construction waste in concrete – a sustainable approach to conserving aggregates through the use of excavated sand, recycled bricks and recycled concrete: Vernon Collis / Kyle Wickins, Collis & Associates
  • Manufacturing quality green, environmentally friendly concrete products: a case study: Anthony Gracie, Cape Brick
  • Equipment for recycling – an overview: Shane Clark, Infinite Group
  • Recycling opportunities in the ready mixed concrete industry: Johan van Wyk, Southern Africa Readymix Association
  • For more information: 
    Concrete Society of Southern Africa Tel: +27 12 348 5305 Email: 

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