
Construction company recognised for achievements

12 February 2016

Murray & Roberts Western Cape, a division of Murray & Roberts Construction, was named the overall winner in the Building Contractors category of Construction World’s Best Projects 2015 Awards for its work on the Century City Square project.

The flagship development for the Rabie Property Group forms part of the burgeoning precinct on the N1, 10 km from the Cape Town CBD.

Century City Square is pioneering a new four-star mixed-use Green Building Council of South Africa rating, ensuring that sustainable green design principles are implemented where possible.

The fast-track project comprises the construction of five separate buildings, each with complex designs, being constructed on a super-basement within a confined working area, and according to Murray & Roberts Western Cape MD Dave Heron, requiring innovative risk management and operational logistics.

Significantly, Murray & Roberts Western Cape received a five-star health and safety rating on the project from the Western Cape Master Builders Association. In addition, the project placed first in its category in the Western Cape Masters Builders Association Regional Health and Safety competition.

The Century City Square construction site recently passed the one-million man hours worked milestone without sustaining a lost-time injury.

Murray & Roberts Western Cape has committed to recruiting new matriculants who wanted to spend a year in the industry to decide if construction would be a viable career option for them.

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