
Construction at PPC’s Ethiopian cement plant starts

23 December 2015

PPC’s just-released annual report disclosed that construction at Ethiopian cement company Habesha’s 1.4-million tonnes a year plant

was well under way with overall project progress estimated at 52%.

PPC said civil construction at the plant was 45% complete and the mechanical erection of the plant had already started. About 90% of the equipment had been manufactured and 70% of this had been delivered to site.

“The (Ethiopian) government’s growth and transformation plan focuses on infrastructure development, industrialisation and housing to improve the country’s economy and raise GDP. This will underscore future cement demand.”

Castle said the plant was expected to be commissioned in the second quarter of 2017. He added that future development plans included an opportunity to double production capacity.

PPC’s African expansion strategy is built around targeting countries with high potential for infrastructure development, low per-capita cement consumption and current cement shortages.

Castle said PPC’s projects in the DRC and Zimbabwe were on schedule to be commissioned towards the end of 2016.

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