
Health and safety under the spotlight

14 February 2014


The Southern Africa Readymix Association (Sarma) will be hosting a series of intensive 1-day workshops across the country to assist companies in the readymix and related industries to comply with the ever-more onerous legislation surrounding the health and safety of employees in the workplace.

The first workshop will be held in the Western Cape on the 11th of March 2014, followed by KZN on 12 March and Gauteng on 25 March. The workshop will extensively cover legal compliance issues and provide delegates with basic knowledge of the acts and regulations that need to be adhered to in order to become and remain compliant with legislation.

“We want delegates to be able to gain enough knowledge so that they are able to apply the legal principles effectively within their organisation and bring about safer, more efficient and legally compliant companies within our industry,” says Johan van Wyk, general manager of Sarma.

The course will cover both interpretation and compliance with the most relevant acts including:

• Occupational Health & Safety Act no. 85 of 1993
• Occupational Health & Safety Act no. 85 of 1993
• H & S Readymix Plants and offices
• Appointments
• Investigation and Reporting of Accidents
• Duties of Employer and CEO
• Manufacturers and Supplier’s duties and duties of the employee
• Health & Safety Policy
• Training
• Records and Reports
• Representative and Committees

The course should be attended by all employees responsible for health andsafety at a plant and in addition should include engineers, managers, plant managers and others responsible people on site and within companies involved in manufacturing and supplying readymix concrete.

A course fee is applied to cover the cost of course material as well as refreshments etc. For more information on the workshops in your area or to book a seat contact Mary-Ann on (011) 791 3327 or email: or visit the website

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