
Africa’s greenest hotel launch new expansion plans

24 April 2015

Verde Hotels, the group that brought Africa its first truly “green” hotel, Hotel Verde, in the industrial precinct of Cape Town International airport,

has launched a new management and expansion programme.

Hotel Verde is one of the most innovative on the continent in terms of its green practices and has transformed the patch of land on which it is located.

Watch this video Concrete.TV did with the Hotel Verde group in 2013 by clicking on this link here:

A green vegetative roof regulates the temperature of the reception area. LED bulbs are used throughout, occupancy sensors ensure no air conditioning is used unnecessarily in rooms or public areas. All hotel appliances (such as washing machines, driers, dish washers and office equipment) are energy-savers.

“Bath water is sterilised and filtered by a state of the art grey water plant and used to flush toilets, while a 40 000 litre tank collects rainwater and subsoil drainage water for irrigation,” says Annandale.

“Three wind turbines and photovoltaic panels are used to generate electricity and elevators are fitted with special regenerative drives that harness 30% of input energy, which is then fed back into the grid.”

Other features include double-glazing, window glass that filters out the sun’s hot rays, bio-friendly toiletries, growing its own herbs and vegetables, buying produce from as close as possible.

For the full article please go click on the Original link attached to this article. 


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