
Angola: construction of new dams increases power production

12 June 2017

The completion of the construction of the Cambambe second power plant and its associated transportation system, as well as the continuity of execution of the main structuring projects, to start operating in the second half of this year, will allow the increase of electricity generation in the country said the Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges on Wednesday.

The minister stressed that the completion of these projects, which will take place over the next year, will bring significant energy production capacity and will increase the regularity and quality of energy supply , particularly in Luanda.

“In addition to the execution of such projects, an extensive high voltage corridor was built between Luanda and Soyo, which has already allowed energy to reach the municipalities of Soyo, Nzeto and that next month will reach Mbanza Kongo”, said the minister.

He added that the corridor under construction, between Lauca, Waco Kungo and Huambo, will link the North and Center systems and power electrification of the provinces of Cuanza Sul and Huambo, as from the end of 2018.

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