
Apple’s new complex the ‘greenest building on the planet’?

23 April 2015

Many companies claim to be the greenest office buildings. In honor of Earth Day, Fortune researched and found these 7 are standouts.

At last year’s Climate Week conference, Tim Cook claimed the Apple Campus 2, set to open in 2016, will be “the greenest building on the planet.” But some experts doubt it will live up to the description.

Tech companies like Twitter, and Google, and Adobe have led the way with sustainable features in their headquarters, but sustainably-focused change in building design and construction, while slow to come, is now happening all over.

With Earth Day on Wednesday, Fortune decided to investigate which would could be the “greenest building.”
Our conclusion? There seems to be no clear winner, but numerous buildings are claiming the admirable title of the best or most environmentally friendly building.

And really, the more of these buildings, the better, so keep up the competition.
Seven building making such claims are discussed.


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