
Aspasa Health & Safety: MHSA Workshop

15 September 2017

Aspasa has and is still developing relevant Health & Safety training. Various levels and issues have been addressed in these courses over the last few years.  This time we have a different slant:  We have asked Advocate Paul Mardon, Deputy General Secretary – Occupational Health & Safety and Sustainable Development from Trade Union Solidarity to conduct the workshop.

  • Date:  10 October 2017
  • Time:  09:00 – 15:00
  • Venue:  Aspasa, Unit 8 Coram Park, Ferero Ave, Randpark Ridge
  • Costs:  R1900.00 per person (includes refreshments)

Advocate Mardon is a practicing Advocate and is very knowledgeable on the law, not only Health & Safety.  There will great opportunity to ask questions, clear some of those workplace problems.

Cancellation Policy:  No cancellations will be accepted 10 working days prior to the date of the workshop.

ASPASA Reserves the right to cancel the workshop in the event of not having enough delegates – minimum 10 delegates, maximum 30

The programme will include:

  • Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of employers and employees in terms of Health & Safety Act, Act no, 29 of 1996 (MHSA)
  • Duties of employers w.r.t. OHS
  • Duties of Employees w.r.t. OHS
  • Rights of employees w.r.t. OHS
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • The role and functions of Health & Safety representatives and Shop Stewards in the workplace.
  • The rights and competencies of chosen health and safety representatives, including their legal liability and victimization.
  • The Health & Safety representative vs the Shop Steward
  • The Health & Safety Committee
  • Investigations in terms of the Mine Health & Safety Act, Act 29 of 1996 (MHSA)
  • Introduction
  • Informational investigations in terms of section 60 of the MHSA
  • Formal enquiries in terms of section 60 of the MHSA
  • Pre-enquiry procedure
  • Enquiry procedure
  • Post-enquiry procedure

Who should attend:  Managers, H & S Officials, All staff that could benefit, medical, HR and Training staff

More information or to book Tel: 011 791 3327 /

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