
Aspasa training to uplift an industry

30 June 2017

Deepening skills shortages in the surface mining industry have led to the launch of several new training workshops by industry association, Aspasa, aimed at addressing the problem.

Just six months into the programme the education regimen is being praised by companies who have sent staff members to attend the workshops and requests are already being fielded for follow-up courses to further upskill staff who have attended.

Aspasa Office Manager, Mary-Ann Sutton, says courses are specifically aimed at areas of the industry where skills development is needed. They were developed following two surveys conducted by the association to determine the most immediate needs of the industry.

“Trainers are sourced from within the industry and all have exceptionally strong training backgrounds. Many of the courses offered are fully accredited so that CPD points can be claimed and there has been a strong uptake for all courses.

“Where possible the courses are offered in all regions across the country if there is sufficient demand. Alternatively, courses are offered in the major centres and can be arranged for individual companies. The courses can also be repeated if necessary. Also, if changes in legislation or working practices occur we may update the course and offer it as a refresher,” says Sutton.

She adds that Aspasa will again undertake surveys later in 2017 and encourages companies to submit their requirements. If there is sufficient demand for a new course targeted and concise workshops will be compiled to provide relevant information in a short and succinct manner to minimise time out of the office.

Courses offered include Health & Safety & Fatigue Management, Crushing and Screening, G1 Base Training, Lockout Workshop, Total Quality Management for Skills Development, Section 54 Workshop, SHE REP, Blasting, PDS.

Aspasa is also willing to assist with a short course (three hours) for a company to familiarise senior staff with the MHSA and related information.

More information from Tel: (011) 791 3327 or www. and click on the training link which has all the course details and online booking facilities.

By Media Savvy Communications, Raymond Campling, Tel: (011) 973 0108, Cell: 076 297 2775, Email:

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