
AU adopts 48-year African development plan

11 February 2015

Supporting a development approach aimed at achieving Africa’s socioeconomic transformation by 2063, the African Union (AU) has officially adopted Africa’s Agenda 2063 framework document, which is expected to galvanise African States into collaborative, accelerated action.

Agenda 2063 was developed by Africans rather than by external international players, and directed at a “more united and strong” Africa.

“This initiative focuses on uniting [African leaders and other African players] into action to solve the continent’s challenges,” Department of International Relations and Cooperation chief director Dave Malcolmson explained at a seminar organised by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (Nepad), the Institute for Security Studies and the Japan International Cooperation Agency, on Tuesday.

Agenda 2063 would not replace Nepad, but, rather, Nepad would become the programme’s implementing organisation. Existing Nepad development programmes would be absorbed into the Agenda 2063 framework.

While each AU member State should develop a national developmental strategy that was dictated by their respective domestic environment, these should be aligned with the 48-year plan.

Massmart chairperson Kuseni Dlamini noted that business “must” be at the centre of the agenda’s execution, and that he was “encouraged” that there had been some private-sector consultation in the early stages of its development.

“We need to elevate the scale of our ambition to become a first-world continent within a generation. This can be achieved if we [encourage] a paradigm shift in thinking by our presidents, ministers, business leaders and thinktank leaders,” remarked Dlamini.

The AU executive committee was expected to adopt the revised ten-year implementation plan at the twenty-fifth AU summit, in South Africa, in mid-2015.




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