
BASF South Africa and Sub-Sahara launches social media presence

19 August 2015

BASF in South Africa and Sub-Sahara is expanding its online communication activities by launching its presence on social media platforms Twitter and Facebook. According to BASF South Africa and Sub-Sahara Vice-President and Head of Business Center, Joan-Maria Garcia-Girona, while BASF has had a global presence on social media for some time, there is a need to engage on a regional level. “Social media is about engagement with the audience and these platforms will allow us the opportunity to share information and hold conversations with our customers, partners and all key stakeholders,” he said. “With our entry into the social media sphere, we as BASF in the African region will be able to share specific insights with our stakeholders.”

What to expect on these platforms:
News releases, blog posts, updates on the company’s CSI initiatives, speeches, research, reports and other publicly available BASF materials.
Interesting facts, quotes, videos or observations related to the various industries BASF serves.
Corporate event updates.
Topical questions related to the various industries meant to provoke discussion or action.
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About BASF in South Africa & Sub-Sahara

BASF has been doing business in South Africa over 45 years. Headquartered in Midrand, Johannesburg, the BASF Group in South Africa consists of five companies with locations in Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth.

A regional sales hub for Eastern Africa, BASF East Africa Ltd., was established in Kenya in mid-2011. In July 2012 BASF West Africa Ltd, a new regional office, was opened in Lagos, Nigeria, in order to serve the West African market. Recently BASF inaugurated its new production plant for concrete admixtures in Nairobi, Kenya.

The local group’s portfolio includes chemicals, plastics, coatings, dispersions, agricultural products, and nutrition. BASF products are used for industrial applications in various sectors e.g. paper, packaging, and leather, detergents, cosmetics, construction, mining, agriculture, and automotive industries. The local groups’ employee complement is around 1000 people.

For further local information, visit

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