
Billions earmarked for Gauteng infrastructure development

30 July 2014

R4.9-billion has been allocated to the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) for capital and maintenance projects, mainly in health and education.

The MEC for Infrastructure Development, Nandi Mayathula-Khoza, said her departmental-voted funds have increased form R1.6-billion in 2013/14 financial year to R2 billion in 2014/15 financial year and DID is managing projects of the client department valued at about R3 billion.

She said the funds will allow DID to recruit qualified engineers, architects, quantity surveyors, and artisans to fast-track the province’s infrastructure development.

She outlined six medium-term strategic themes aligned with ten strategic pillars announced by Premier David Makhura. These are: sustainable infrastructure, accelerate service delivery, organisational development to build state capacity, optimising state assets for economic development and supporting entrepreneurs, job creation in partnership with the public and private sector and integrated planning.

“The allocation for employee compensation is R737.9-million, which must be seen in context of a total responsibility of R4.9-billion to be administered by our department,” she added.

R1.3-billion has been set aside for Department of Education programmes, which include a new infrastructure programme, rehabilitation and refurbishment as well as upgrading and additions. “We will kick-start construction of 11 new schools currently at tender stage,” said MEC Mayathula-Khoza.

She said DID will also implement 119 projects for the Department of Health; the maintenance budget for Health facilities in the province is R1.121-billion.

“With a total allocation of R466.7 million, DID will also implement the New Daveyton Forensic Pathology Mortuary, Charlotte Maxeke, Revitalisation of Staff Residences, Natalspruit Staff Residence, New Lillian Ngoyi District Hospital, Boikutsong Community Day Care Clinic and Bonalesedi Nursing College.”

“We will also complete the New Randgate Clinic,” she added.
By: SANews, Sa Government News Service

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