
Chinese city gets world’s longest aerial cycle way

26 January 2017

The city of Xiamen in south-east China has just completed the longest aerial cycleway in the world. The path is a 4.8m-wide four-lane carriageway stretching for 7.6km with 11 exits connecting to six public transport hubs.

Xiamen’s commuters do not have to have a bike to use the system, as it comes with 355 cycles for hire, and has 253 parking spaces for private bikes on seven platforms.

Much of the pathway is beneath the elevated road used by the city’s rapid transit bus line, which gives shelter on rainy days. For safety, the paths have 1.3m guardrails and 30,000 lights to illuminate the path at night.

There will also be a “multi-sensor monitoring technology” and gates that will close if the cycleway is becoming too crowded.

The structure, which will be operated by the Xiamen City Public Bicycle Management Company, was designed and completed in six months. According to, city authorities say the bike lane will be opened to the city’s 3.5 million citizens in the near future.

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