
Chinese firm to construct new cement plant in Zimbabwe

14 July 2015

Mortal Investments Manufacturing Company, a Chinese company is set to construct a cement manufacturing plant worth US $10m in Redcliff, Zimbabwe through a partnership between the company and local businessmen.

Mayor of Redcliff, Clr Freddy Kapuya, said the deal by the Chinese company and his municipality had been finalised and the plant would be constructed on 10 hectares of land.

The mayor also noted that the cement plant would use slag as a major component in its manufacturing.

Mortal Investments had initially showed interest in the purchase of three cement factories in Redcliff but changed their option to construction of a plant instead. This was due to the fact that the three factories combined would not offer the appropriate space they needed.

On completion, the plant will be 75% owned by the locals and the rest by the Chinese company. This will create employment for over 400 people.

Another company, Yakushuku Manufacturing also showed interest in constructing a US $25m cotton ginning and manufacturing plant the Redcliff region. This plant will use solar power for its electricity and any excess will be fed into the national grid.

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