
Claassen to lead PPC after Tomes’ resignation

27 October 2014

On 23 October 2014 PPC confirmed the resignation of Richard Tomes, joint managing director of PPC’s South African business and one of the business’s key sales and marketing personnel.

This comes a month after Ketso Gordhan resigned as CEO and the company’s board plunged into a tussle with group shareholders seeking a new board. PPC said Tomes, who joined the firm in 1998 and who shared the job as head of domestic operations with Johann Claassen, had resigned effective Thursday to ‘pursue other opportunities.’

Claassen will now lead PPC’s South African cement business, while Pepe Meijer remains MD of PPC’s international business.

PPC sought to assure investors that its South African business remained under strong leadership: “Johan is a professional engineer who joined PPC in 1989 and has served as executive of cement operations and of lime,” said PPC.

“He has also held various other senior and general management roles across the cement and lime divisions.”

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