
Coatings for Africa 2015 are calling for abstracts

17 September 2014

The Oil & Colour Chemists’ Association (OCCA) and the South African Paint Manufacturers Association (SAPMA) in conjunction with Hypenica are pleased to announce an industry-wide call for participation at the Coatings for Africa 2015 symposium and expo, taking place 11 – 13 May 2015 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa. Coatings for Africa is the only dedicated coatings event focused on providing proactive strategies for improving the use and understanding of coatings technologies and emerging trends in the industry; and is the biggest showcase of coatings, technology, paint and related products on the African content. ​

Coatings for Africa is co-located with ​​African Construction and Totally Concrete Expos ​which ​​are Africa’s biggest gathering of qualified buyers and sell​​ers for the concrete and construction industry.​ With over 170 speakers, ​three pre-conference seminars, ​three high-level conference tracks, over 600 C-level delegates, over 6000 visitors and a uniquely interactive exhibition, the 2015 event guarantees you extended access across Africa to the entire concrete ​and construction ​ecosystem from concrete technologist to consulting engineer​.​

Calling for papers
​We are calling for industry experts, educators, manufacturers and end users to submit abstracts to before 15 October and share scientific findings and practical applications to coatings formulations. To find out more go to and click on submit an abstract.

How else you can be involved
Sponsor or exhibit contact
Become a media or association partner contact

Keep in touch 24/7

  • Facebook: Coatings for Africa
  • Twitter: Coatings_Africa
  • LinkedIn: Coatings for Africa

Who are already on board for 2015

  • Exhibitors: BAMR, Chemtrade, Delta Colours, Uniresins
  • Associations: Federation of African Societies of Chemistry, OCCA UK
  • Knowledge partner: Frost & Sullivan
  • Media partners: Cape Business News, Concrete TV, OCCA UK

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