
Construction Sector Council introduces revised sector code

15 August 2016

The Construction Sector Charter Council (CSCC) launched the revised draft construction sector code last month in Midrand, Gauteng, which aims to align the unique aspects of the sector with the black economic-empowerment and transformation targets set by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).   

The revised sector code will also be aligned to national policy imperatives and priorities, such as the National Development Plan, sustainable job creation, meaningful transformation in the construction sector and procurement practices. 

The revised draft has 123 weighting points, five more than the DTI’s revised generic codes of good practices. CSCC CEO Thabo Masombuka explains that construction companies could benefit from the additional points by committing to initiatives focused on designated. 

construction-sector beneficiaries, namely black women and black-women-owned enterprises, South African youth, people with disabilities and construction workers. 

Ownership targets are also more stringent in the revised draft codes: 32.5% for the first four years subsequent to gazetting and 35% thereafter until it is reviewed; the generic codes stand at 25%.

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