
Danish investment in South Africa favours wind energy

05 November 2014

Danish companies are keen to set up a green hub on renewable energy in South Africa, with an eye on developing markets in Southern Africa, says Danish Minister of Trade and Development Cooperation Morgens Jensen.

Jensen commended the government’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme, but emphasised that providing certainty that renewables would remain a high priority was all-important for investors.

The Danish government funded the Wind Atlas in South Africa, which is helping industry and government identify excellent wind development zones. Ten 60-m-high wind masts have been installed at various sites across the country to measure wind.

Jensen also encouraged South Africa to learn important lessons from the current energy crisis it was facing. “Never let a good crisis go to waste…The 1973 energy crisis was a game-changer in Denmark. It underlined our need to diversify. Wind energy is affordable. It compares very favourably to coal-power in terms of price – and the silos don’t crack,” he quipped.

Jensen said his country planned to boost its overall trade with South Africa by 50%. According to Jensen, 27 000 Danish citizens visit South Africa every year.

By: Kim Cloete

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