Following the installation of a CDE EvoWash 72 on their sister company’s site Analiza, South African brick and block manufacturer Multi Crete Bricks “just can’t keep up with orders”, according to its CEO Christo Niemand.
Multi Crete has been supplying the South African construction industry for 16 years, delivering premier quality brick and block products nationwide as well as supplying customers directly at their Brakpan factory. The company not only ensures that the best raw materials are selected but also guarantees the best end product by overseeing production from start to finish.
In 2016, Multi Crete saw an opportunity to take the lead in the local materials washing market. To achieve this, an upgrade of its sand screw washing plant was necessary in order to remedy the substantial loss of valuable fines that ended up in its quarry’s dam. By installing a new CDE EvoWash sand washing plant on its Analiza quarry, Multi Crete can now continue to produce its own bricks, blocks, and manufactured washed sands with an additional plaster sand.
A direct approach for a better solution
Christo Niemand is a savvy and practical businessman who relies on a combination of word of mouth and direct communications with experts who can demonstrate the value of their equipment in a ‘seeing is believing’ manner. In this spirit, the Multi Crete CEO, who manages 16 employees, as well as quarry staff, visited a close-by quarry with a CDE representative to witness the efficiency of the CDE materials washing equipment in action.
Convinced by the high tech but user-friendly aspect of CDE installations, Mr Niemand took the next step and challenged Nicolan Govender, CDE Regional Manager for Africa, to find the best-value-for-money washing solution that would significantly reduce the amount of lost fines, increase production levels and sand quality, and crucially allow for multiple sands to be manufactured. The objective was to boost Multi Crete’s offer and subsequently demand. The CDE EvoWash 72 dual sand washing plant ticked all of these boxes and Niemand says that he is now ready to further upgrade his equipment to meet the newly created and ever increasing demand for Multi Crete’s products.
Niemand explains: “The combination of a solid relationship with our local CDE experts and the commissioning of an ultra-performant EvoWash has given Multi Crete’s activities a positive boost. Our plaster sand is hands-down the best in the region and being able to produce two products at the same time, including plaster sand, is truly remarkable.”
The Analiza quarry treats raw materials including crushed rocks, a mixture of granite and silica, some being heavily clay-bound. It now produces 23 tonnes per hour of plaster sand and 19 tonnes per hour of river sand. The EvoWash allows for two products to be produced at the same time and can also be set to alter the amount of finer sand in the end product, allowing the client to produce two off plus zero products (- 2mm + 0 and – 6 mm + 0).
Niemand adds: “Our return on investment is good and we are already looking towards the future and to expand our range of products. We are considering adding complementary CDE equipment to our installation when we have addressed the issue of limited power and water supply.”
Wayne Warren Business Development Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa at CDE, is proud of the successful relationship that has been developed with Multi Crete: “Being based in South Africa means that I am only just a phone call or a short trip away from Multi Crete and my other customers.
“I have the opportunity to visit Mr Niemand and check on the EvoWash at Analiza regularly. It allows me to iron out any arising issues and keep the conversation going on how CDE can help the company meet new performance requirements quickly and efficiently.
“It is gratifying to witness the steady performance of a piece of equipment year after year. Multi Crete has become one of the best-performing sand washing operators in South Africa due to the upgrading of their installation to the CDE cyclone technology.
“It makes good business sense to improve plants that waste fines and water which then has a knock-on and positive effect on the company’s performance and ability to compete in a growing market. Multi Crete is proof that adopting our cyclone water-saving technology really works.”
Niemand concludes: “Swapping the Analiza sand screw classifier for a CDE EvoWash dual sand plant has turned out to be an excellent investment. We are saving water and time whilst increasing and diversifying materials production. We are now able to position ourselves on the local market as the leading supplier of construction materials.
“As a bonus, we have been able to commit to safer operations as CDE equipment is both high tech systems and simple to use, with well-conceived safety details that guarantee a comfortable working environment.”