
DETAIL Prize 2014 – innovative details sought!

12 June 2014

For the sixth time, DETAIL together with BAU 2015, the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, is awarding the DETAIL Prize 2014. The judges are looking for architecturally-challenging, already completed projects that are characterised by innovative details in a coherent overall concept. Once again this year, the main sponsor of the DETAIL Prize is Josef Gartner GmbH.

Between 1 June 2014 and 31 July 2014, architects and planners can submit their completed projects online at The DETAIL editorial team will then choose the best entries and present them to the jury and readers to vote upon.

The 2012 competition drew entries from 45 countries encompassing 550 projects.

The winner of the main prize of 5,000 euros, will be chosen by an internationally-renowned jury consisting of Werner Frosch (Henning Larsen Architects), DorteMandrup-Poulsen (DorteMandrupArkitekter), Enrique Sobejano (NietoSobejanoArquitectos), Gerhard Wittfeld(kadawittfeldarchitektur) andValerio Olgiati. DETAIL readers and Internet users will also take part; they can vote online for their favourites from the nominated works.

Both winners will be announced at the DETAIL Prize award ceremony in autumn 2014 in Berlin. An exhibition at BAU 2015, the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, to be held in Munich in January, will showcase the winning entries to a wide audience.

The stated goal of the DETAIL Prize is to highlight the importance of architecture for society, to strengthen the role of architects in public life, and to promote networking among architects, industrialists, developers and politicians.
Invitation to participate: 1 June 1 2014

Deadline for submission of entries: 31 July 2014
Jury and reader voting: 18 August to 20 September 2014
Award ceremony in Berlin: 20 November 2014

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