
East London IDZ attracts multibillion-rand investment

27 February 2017

Since its establishment in 2002, the East London Industrial Development Zone(Elidz) has attracted over R7.3-billion in private-sector investment from 45 investors.

Elidz spokesperson Ayanda Ramncwana says the zone is specially set up for light industry manufacturers in search of “ultimate global competitiveness and new market entry and is renowned for its customised investment and property solutions” that assist industries in streamlining their business operations and lowering their cost of doing business.

Ramncwana says businesses, by locating themselves within the Elidz, can take advantage of the zone’s secure manufacturing environment, with controlled access and proximity to key transport networks, including harbour facilities, expanded airport capacity, rail and road infrastructure.

Elidz is attracting export-orientated investors who assist in strengthening and diversifying the local economy. A Statistics South Africa report reveals that 67%, or R3.8-billion, of the total inputs used by manufacturers in the Elidz during 2015 were sourced locally, while outputs worth R2.6-billion from these manufacturers were export bound.

The Elidz currently has seven projects at different stages of construction, including four new investors that are preparing to break ground and start construction soon. Other planned construction projects are a wind farm in the area and an upgrade to the electrical infrastructure of the zone.

The Elidz has established a research and development (R&D) platform – the Elidz Science and Technology Park (Elidz STP) – to promote R&D. This will allow for the testing and prototyping of different technologies and new inventions.

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