
Ethiopia targets 2.45m residential units

27 March 2015

The Ethiopian Ministry of Urban Development, Housing & Construction (MoUDHC) is planning to construct 2.45 million houses between 2015/16 and 2020/21. Of the residential units, 750,000 will be built in urban areas and 1.7 million in rural areas.

The construction project is expected to commence in 2015-2016 fiscal year and is in line with the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) currently underway.

The Ministry has proposed to make 150,000 ha of land available for urban development projects as well as releasing space for a maximum of 20 industrial parks.

Of the 150,000 ha of land allocated, 40% will be reserved for construction of houses, 30% for infrastructure and the remaining 30% for green areas.

Ethiopia currently has a population of 90 million people, 17million living in urban areas. The number is expected to increase to 22 million by 2020.

Minister of MoUDHC, Mukuria Haile, told House of Peoples Representatives in January that the country planned to construct 65,000 houses this year.


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