
Fulton Awards 2015 set for record entries

26 November 2014

The Concrete Society of Southern Africa reports that 36 nominations have been made for the 2015 Fulton Awards, which, if all are converted into completed entries, will be a record number for this prestigious event.

The Fulton Awards, held every 2 years, continue to celebrate the legacy of scientific and technological advances in concrete in the built environment, and serve also as a tribute to the late Dr ‘Sandy’ Fulton for his outstanding contribution to the understanding of concrete, its properties, development and improvement.

John Sheath, CEO of the Concrete Society firmly believes that the new categories, more affordable entry fees, and a more equitable approach to judging, have attracted the increased interest in the awards. The categories for nominations and entries are:
• Civil Engineering Structure
a) Projects up to R100 million in value; b) Projects in excess of R100 million in value
• Building Structure
a) Projects up to R100 million in value; b) Projects in excess of R100 million in value
• Architectural Concrete
a) Projects up to R100 million in value; b) Projects in excess of R100 million in value
• Innovation in Concrete

The awards are made symbolically to the structure and are presented to the entire team responsible for its construction, including the owner/developer, all professionals and the contractors. This does not necessarily apply to the ‘Innovation in Concrete’ category, which is designed to attract new ideas in projects or initiatives involving concrete as the principal material.

Completed Entry Packs have to be submitted to the Society by the end of November 2014, judging will take place during February and March next year, and the 2015 winners will announced at a special gala dinner to be held in the Drakensburg on the 6th June 2015.

Cement producer PPC is the Anchor Sponsor for the 2015 Awards.

More information from John Sheath, Tel: 012 348 5305 / Cell: 083 309 4254 / email:


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