
Going Green in Public Health Facilities

30 November 2015

The 3rd Going Green Conference was held at the Cape Sun Hotel in Cape Town on the 16 and 17 September 2015. This conference placed a strong focus on green measures within public sector health facilities. The conference shared knowledgeable inputs from international delegates from Singapore, China and Netherlands. 

According to the Gauteng Infrastructure’s Chief engineer, Siyabonga Ntombela “Currently the national state building policy is looking to ensure that the incorporation of green energy to the design and operations of infrastructure to ascertain sustainable future for the future generations” He also raised the concern of the lack of skills within the country in conjunction with the difficulty of adapting to the new concept of green building initiatives as a journey to look into when conducting business.

Mfundo Xulu from National Department of Public Works outlined the national green building policy and recognised a few key areas where opportunities are available, “a major opportunity lies within the potential to generate “green jobs” where jobs are linked to green economic activities such as Green Building”. “These activities provide for technology transfer with other countries and constant interaction with international partners for the creation of best practice relevant to South Africa. 

Singapore’s Dr Norman Wu recommended that green measures currently implemented in Singapore and the rest of the world should shift its focus towards green technologies for all kind of buildings.  

Dr Jin Lee stated that “in China the key technique of simulation modelling tool is used before any building is built, this method allows for accurate planning and identifying possible pros and cons beforehand”. 

Press release
For further information, please contact Michael Tladi 
Work: 021 483 8943
Cell:  084 359 5710

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