
Grand Renaissance Dam to be complete in 2017

24 March 2015

Construction of Grand Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia, which commenced in April 2011, is set for completion in July 2017. About 50% of the work is complete, and the 700-MW first stage was expected to be operational this year.

The US$ 5bn development is owned by Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) and is expected to serve Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

When completed, the Grand Renaissance Dam will help generate 6,000 MW for domestic use and for export. The 170-m-tall dam will prevent flooding by managing up to 19,370 m3 per second and reduce alluvium in Sudan by 100 million cubic metres.

The dam will also help in providing water to irrigate 500,000 ha of new agricultural lands and serve as a bridge across the Blue Nile.Construction of two outdoor power stations having 3,750 MW and 2,250 MW in installed capacity will also be undertaken.

Ethiopia has announced it will also construct a US$700m dam on the Gebba River.


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