
High accuracy as standard

04 May 2015

Famdra’s range of belt weighers welcomes an internationally patented new addition.

Famdra’s range of high-accuracy scales includes five models, from the BW1 single idler to the BW6-MS six idler, which have all been certified for trade accuracy. This ensures that their accuracy performance in terms of total error is within 0.5%.

Single idler weighers
The BW1 kick-started Famdra’s revolutionary designs. Its patented Precision Weigh Module (PWM) was first applied on this model as an economy scale. During its development, the BW1 showed remarkable immunity to dynamic effects, encouraging refinement to mining specifcation.

This performance defied the general perception that single idler scales are less accurate. Its unique design has set new standards in single idler belt weighers.

Owing to its PWMs, this scale performs remarkably well on most applications – normally within 1% error on suitable applications. With its proven trade accuracy performance on a 2,000-tph application, and more recently on 3,000 tph with an unmodified standard model, the BW1 is well received by users.

Trouble-free operation over 5 years is not unexpected and the modest price tag of about US$5,000 for the core unit has wide appeal.

The BW1E compact ultra-economy model for small budgets is derived from the standard BW1. Its small price tag has been achieved by optimisation of: component integration, compact installation and a narrow selection of installation packages.

This choice offers the client utmost affordability. Famdra’s options for factory setup, installation kits and jigs, installation video guidance and ease of installation, together with its innovative design, make this model affordable even for small-revenue operations.

Other weighers
Famdra also counts ultra-high-accuracy premium accounting weighers among its portfolio. The dual weigh-frames and middle-sensing BW6-MS model also feature Famdra’s patented PWM design. This model is especially suited for high-production-rate applications, generally in excess of 3,000 tph. The model was aimed at extremely demanding applications, where long conveyors with high belt tension effects, wide belt widths and high belt speeds exist.

General features of Famdra belt weighers include:
Advanced product design extended to idler frames, installation jigs and installation processes
Models are designed for installation above ‘top of stringer’, eliminating the need for conveyor modification
Kits and jigs enable effortless installation, ensuring high-level installation even with novice personnel

More information from Naran Naidu, Tel: +27(0)12 719 8371 / /


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