
KZN govt takes on skills growth challenge

08 August 2014

With South Africa on a quest to create jobs and grow its economy, the KwaZulu-Natal government has taken up the challenge of upskilling its population and contributing towards national growth.

The provincial government has committed to work with the Human Resource Development Council — which was launched on Wednesday — to start a skills revolution, which it says will eventually result in the province becoming the ‘skills capital’ of South Africa.

The Provincial Growth and Development Plan has set an ambitious target of creating 2.1 million jobs by 2030, which can only be achieved through a skilled population.

This provincial target is in line with the National Development Plan (NDP), which is the blueprint of reducing inequality and eradicating poverty in South Africa by the year 2030.

Premier Mchunu said: “The council will focus on scarce skills such as engineering, science and technology, accounting, information technology, agriculture, health and social services. There are other key sectors for job creation such as the green economy.” 

Premier Mchunu said the province will be doing more to tap into the potential of its marine resources. South Africa has recently unveiled its Operation Phakisa, which is expected to place marine resources at the centre of the economy.

“The province has a long coastline, two big ports in Durban and Richards Bay, many rivers and dams. As a result, there are career opportunities in the maritime industry both at the harbours, on ships and in ship building.
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