
Lynne Pretorius appointed as CESA President

01 December 2015

At its AGM during the Infrastructure Indaba on November 9, Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) appointed Lynne Pretorius from ITS Engineers as President of the organisation for the next two years. She holds a BSc Engineering (Civil) and M. Engineering (Transportation) from the University of Cape Town and has worked in the Engineering industry for 22 years after graduating in 1993.

Pretorius said South Africa is on a dynamic trajectory that requires visionary leadership and flexibility from all stakeholders and role players to adapt to the changing and challenging environment currently prevailing. Her key objectives are to get the CESA house in order, encourage members to submit quality bids and to be open and honest about corruption.

She has worked for both the Private sector and Public sector (including four years with the City of Cape Town). Pretorius specialises in transportation engineering with a focus on sustainable transport modes and integration between transport and land use.

She is passionate about the growth of small businesses, the development of young engineers and sees corruption as one of the biggest threats to service delivery and the construction industry. Starting her career at Aurecon (then Van Wyk & Louw) in 1994, Pretorius moved to the City of Cape Town in 2000. She started a transportation engineering consultancy practice in 2004, which was incorporated into ITS Engineers in 2012. She is currently a Director of ITS Engineers.

More information from Dennis Ndaba, Tel: +27(0)11 463 2022 or 0739812066

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