
Major Cargo airport in Nigeria ready to be constructed

24 November 2015

A US$100.51m cargo airport in Nigeria will be constructed in Nasarawa State, Governor Tanko Al-makura, has said.

The governor was speaking during the signing of the financial contract agreement between the state government and Tongyi Group Engineering, a Chinese firm tasked with the construction with their representative HYPAD.

The agreement stated that the Chinese firm will be responsible for the project’s finance. The Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) agreement considered to be the last stage of the project’s agreements has also been concluded ahead of the flag-off of the project dated for December 2015.

On completion, the project is expected to impact the state in great way, among them creating revenue generation that will boost the state economy status as well as creating job opportunities. The airport will also open doors for potential investors who might be interested in taking a look at the state’s endowment for their businesses.

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