
Make a contribution to women in Africa’s construction industry in 2016

10 February 2016

The 4th annual Women in Construction Awards are set to take place on 10 May 2016 at the Gallagher Estate and will be collocated with the African Construction and Total­ly Concrete Expos. This prime platform is to identify, showcase and celebrate the increasingly vital role women play in the ce­ment, concrete and construction industries.  

The Women in Construction Awards programme not only honours women who have pioneered the development of the African built environment but also serve to recognise the emerging leaders of the industry. 

The awards, which include individual and organisational cat­egories, acknowledge the increasingly important role played by women in the industry.

The individual categories recognise ‘Pioneers in Innovation’ and ‘New Starters’ – women under 30 who, through their efforts, have been identified as ‘women to watch’ as they estab­lish their foothold within the sector.

The organisational awards acknowledged organisations which have developed women’s roles through innovative train­ing programmes as well showing their commitment to develop­ing the careers of women in the industry.

The 2016 judging panel comprises 17 renowned industry leaders from across the continent who will be assessing nomi­nations in the following categories:

Individual categories:

  • Pioneer in Innovation Award
    New Starter of the Year – Under 30 Award

Organisational categories:

  • Most Innovative Women Training Programme Award
  • Excellence in Career Development Award

This is your chance to nominate an individual or organisation that has exemplified inspiration, vision, innovation and leader­ship for women in construction.

Make a contribution to women in Africa’s construction in­dustry and submit your nomination today! Interested individu­als or organisations can view the criteria and submission re­quirements for each category on Anyone can nominate a candidate organisation and self-nomination is also allowed.

Nominations close by close of business, Monday, 29 Febru­ary 2016.

For more information contact Athi Myoli +27 21 700 5506 / email:

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