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Master Builders SA welcomes commitment to infrastructural spending

20 June 2014

Master Builders South Africa (MBSA) has welcomed the focus on rebuilding the economy promised in the State President’s State of the Nation address.

Tumi Dlamini, Executive Director of MBSA, comments: “MBSA is encouraged by the State President’s re-confirmation that government would spend a significant portion of the budget on infrastructure projects.

“This coincided with the latest FNB BER Building Confidence Index which indicated a slowdown of growth in building activity in the second quarter of 2014. However, we have no doubt that a re-energised and focussed commitment by government to deliver on the infrastructure projects will help to reverse the decline in business confidence and building activity.

“As the leading federation in the building and construction sector, we welcome the opportunity to engage with government to stimulate and grow investment in the sector. MBSA is ready to answer the call by the President to help ‘build a more prosperous society’.

“We are also very pleased at the government’s realisation that skills shortages – including the engineering, electrical, plumbing and other professions – need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. In this regard, we support and applaud the State President’s announcement that an additional 12 training and vocational educational colleges would be built,” Dlamini added.
More information from Tumi Dlamini, Tel: +27(0)11 205 9000

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