
Mauritius to construct a modern cyber city in Ghana

18 January 2017

Mauritius has made known plans to embark on a number of projects, including the construction of a modern cyber city in Ghana.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade for Mauritius, Vishnu Seetanah, said the project which was expected to be situated at Dawa in the Greater Accra Region would, however, be subject to authorisation by the new government.

The city will be based on high technology and will have innovative towers, conference centres, bank towers, an ICT plaza and serviced plots for regional nerve centres for ICT companies.

Vishnu told the media that the city would bring incorporated development with smart solutions and management resources which would draw high quality professionals.
He was of the outlook that the project would also enhance to tourism, both domestic and foreign.

He said Mauritius wants to support Ghana to become the foremost producer and exporter of sugar in the West African sub region.

He said all the projects they plan in Ghana had the blessing of financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the African Development Bank.

The Foreign Affairs Minister of Mauritius also pointed out that Africa would come out as a super power in years to come.

“In 15 years, people will line up to be in Africa. But before that happens, we have to demonstrate that we mean business and that we can handle the running of our own nations,” he said.

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