
MBA North Youth Forum enthusiastically welcomed

29 April 2015

Members of the Master Builders Association (MBA) North’s new Youth Forum have welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the future growth of the building industry in South Africa.

The MBA Youth Forum (MBA YF) consists of young professionals who are passionate about the construction industry and want to ensure sustainability and promote career opportunities in the industry.

The inaugural Forum consists of 25 qualified young professionals under the age of 35, who are employed by MBA North member companies or are from construction-related faculties of tertiary institutions within the MBA North region.

Forum member, Keoatlaretse Lekutu, contracts manager at MBA North member, Gauteng Piling, says: “It will give young members of the industry a sense of direction and motivation.

I was most inspired after meeting other Forum members from different institutions and seeing their passion, motivation and excitement about the new body. Interacting with the MBA executive members in a relaxed environment was also refreshing.

Johann Walters, contracts manager at JC van der Linde & Venter Projects (also an MBA North member), believes the Forum will serve as a vital “information hub”, keeping its members abreast of new developments within the industry via personal meetings, social media connections, or presentations at universities and other applicable institutions.

Dr Deon Landmann, MBA North Education, Training and Transformation manager, says the Youth Forum was formed to uplift the industry and built environment professions by generating fresh, new ideas to assist and promote the industry, and also to identify potential problems facing the industry.

“The Forum will also involve training and developing young professionals and provide an invaluable platform for networking.”
The Forum’s objectivesinclude:

•Assisting MBA North to achieve its objectives through the election of sub-committees to assist main MBA North structures.

•Promoting and creating awareness of the important role and benefits of being part of the construction Industry.

•Ensuring the retention of young professionals within the industry.

•Sharing information and networking.

•Creating opportunities for graduates and students to gain workplace experience.

•Providing a platform to support each other with registration, training, mentoring and continuing professional development (CPD);

•Visiting schools and universities to promote construction-related occupations as a career.

More information from Deon Landmann, Tel:+27(0)11 805 6611/


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