
Minister Jeff Radebe to address the SA building industry

04 August 2016

The 2016 annual Master Builders Congress, being held from 31 August to 2 September at the Durban International Convention Centre, will under the theme of ‘Building South Africa Together’, provide an opportunity for all role-players to congregate and discuss the latest trends, opportunities and challenges facing the building industry.

Minister Jeff Radebe, the Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Performance, Monitoring, Evaluation and Administration, will deliver the keynote address, ‘Building the South African Economy Through Infrastructure Development’. A panel discussion will further unpack the topic with participants including Minister Radebe, major African construction companies, the DBSA, National Treasury and the South African Local Government Association. The panel will be moderated by television personality and journalist Jeremy Maggs.

High-level panels will examine construction occupational health and safety, skills development in the construction industry and regulatory, contractual and legal matters affecting the industry.

The second day of the Congress will see Thabo Masombuka, CEO of the Construction Sector Charter Council, posing the question ‘The Journey Towards a Transformed Construction Sector – Are We Getting There?’

Sonja Pilusa, CEO of the Construction Education & Training Authority, will reveal the ‘CETA Sector Skills Plan for the Construction Industry’ and the Deputy Public Protector, Advocate Kevin Malunga will focus on the issue of ‘Combating Corruption in the Construction Industry’.  

For more information about the Congress, please visit

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