
Minister Rob Davies set to launch the Trade Africa programme

12 July 2016

Trade and Industry Minister Dr Rob Davies will on Friday launch Trade Africa, formerly known as the Africa Export Council, a unit established within the Department of Trade and Industry to promote South Africa’s trade relations with the African continent.

The initiative will be launched together with the Guidelines for Good Business Practice by South African companies operating in the rest of Africa at a roundtable discussion on intra-Africa trade at the CSIR. Davies said the creation of the Trade Africa initiative was premised on the need to have a dedicated unit responsible for driving South Africa’s exports of manufactured goods and services while creating sourcing relationships from the continent to promote intra-Africa trade.  

The purpose of the initiative was to leverage the State’s capacity to unlock the bottlenecks experienced by South African businesses when operating in the rest of Africa, through deliberate, targeted and well-defined financial and nonfinancial interventions as described in the Industrial Policy Action Plan and other government policies.

“The guidelines for good business practice aim to encourage South African business to be responsible corporate citizens and to continuously work to reduce operations that have a negative social, economic or environmental impact. This will, in turn, improve their public image and reputation in the countries and societies in which they operate,” he said. 

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