
Moladi contracted to transform Kisumu housing sector

02 March 2016

The County Assembly of Kisumu, Kenya, has adopted a report that seeks to upgrade the status of the county’s housing sector.

The report by the Assembly Planning, Housing and Industrialisation committee aims to uplift the county’s housing by introducing new construction technology.

The committee recommended that the Kisumu County Assembly and Executive sign an MoU with a South African-based Moladi Construction Company to undertake the construction in the county’s 35 wards and also apply its technology in upgrading of informal settlements in Kisumu.

The committee has also recommended that the county government engages Moladi Structures Limited Technology in constructing model ECDE classrooms and clinics.
During the sitting chaired by Speaker of the day and North West Kisumu ward rep Samuel Ombogo, the MCAs unanimously adopted the report as it will help to upgrade county structures at cost effective rates.

Ombei Ward MCA and Minority Leader Joshua Auko recommended that Moladi Limited first do a demonstration of their work in the county before the county government engages it in any construction work.

The Speaker, after getting the nod of the MCAs, directed that the report be submitted to the County Assembly implementation committee for action.
The report was drafted by the committee after making a visit to Port Elizabeth to learn about new building technologies on November last year.

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