
Mtwara cement plant set to fuel Tanzania’s growing economy

04 March 2015

Tanzania’s economy is booming, with the construction industry and demand for cement said to be one of the key drivers boosting its economy. The increased demand for cement is further fuelled by ongoing offshore natural gas discoveries.

Commissioning of the Dangote Group’s new cement plant in the Mtwara Region will help facilitate even further growth and help the country meet its local cement needs as well as provide export supplies. The plant, set for completion in 2015, will produce three million tonnes of cement per year, approximately half of Tanzania’s current production. One of only four facilities like this across the world, it will be powered by a 75-MW coal-based power plant.

Aurecon has been appointed as the local engineering consultant on this greenfields project and will be providing civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) engineering design review as well as registration and construction supervision services.

Craig Wood, Aurecon’s Country Manager, Tanzania, says there have been a number of challenges inherent in working on such a large plant.

“Because the plant design originated from China with external design review from America, Aurecon was required to ensure the final design was an applicable and constructible solution for Tanzania. Aurecon utilised expertise from its local and global teams to ensure the buildability of the design to local standards,” explains Wood.

Aurecon formed a consortium of local architects and quantity surveyors in Tanzania to sure that the design, material selection and standards were achievable within local conditions and constraints.

Harun Mopendela, a civil engineer with Aurecon in Tanzania says, “Aurecon is playing a critical oversight role throughout the final design and construction phases of the project and will continue to maximise involvement from its local staff who have local knowledge and experience. Backed up global expertise, Aurecon is assisting Dangote to construct a leading, economy-boosting facility.”

More information from Jody Boshoff, Tel: +27(0)12 427 2066 /

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