
New solar farm at Epsom Downs Shopping Centre

17 February 2015

Emira Property Fund has installed a R6 million solar farm on the roof of its Epsom Downs Shopping Centre in Bryanston, Sandton. This pilot project is Emira’s first step in adding renewable energy solutions to its portfolio of properties across South Africa, and part of its sustainability strategy.

The photovoltaic (PV) solar farm, comprising 1,084 panels, will produce around 271kWp, or about 30% of the electricity required by the shopping centre – the maximum possible with its roof size.

Emira’s pilot project will save 515,172 kWh of energy, and 252,434 kbs of coal, each year. At the same time it will reduce carbon emissions annually by approximately 503,838 kg. To put this in perspective, you would need to plant 458 new trees to offset these emissions.

Justin Bowen, Development Manager at Emira, comments: “For some time now Emira has explored ways renewable energy can reduce our carbon footprint. Now, with Nersa’s approved increase in Eskom’s tariff rate of some 13% this year, the financial viability for solar farms is becoming achievable.”


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