
Online concrete technology courses launched

15 May 2017

To improve ease of access to education and training courses as well as pass rates in the South African construction sector, The Concrete Institute’s (TCI’s) School of Concrete Technology has launched its online e-learning platform.

MD Bryan Perrie notes that level 41 and 42 courses, covering general principles of concrete technology and practical applications respectively, have traditionally been correspondence-based self-study courses, preparing delegates to sit the Concrete Technology and Construction Stage 2 and Stage 3 examinations set by the London-based Institute of Concrete Technology (ICT).

He says the completion of the level 41 and 42 courses, following completion of the level 10, 20 and 30 courses, is a prerequisite for delegates wanting to study towards the Advanced Concrete Technology diploma offered by the ICT.

To improve the pass rates, TCI has taken advantage of technology advancements and converted the courses to an online platform. Perrie explains that, once delegates have registered and paid for the course, they receive course notes online. These are subdivided into smaller, manageable modules with tests at the end of each section.

TCI also tracks delegates’ progress through the online platform to ensure that they have undertaken adequate preparation before sitting the exam. Perrie points out that this is particularly useful in cases where an employer is paying for employees to complete the course, as the TCI can provide an alert if delegates are not upholding their obligation to undertake adequate exam preparation.

The online platform provides the institute with the scope to expand its education and training offering beyond South Africa’s borders. TCI is currently in discussions to set up an examination centre in Kenya, and Perrie is confident that this will be the first step in further expansion into the continent.

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