
Open Doors Programme

17 November 2014

As part of NPC’s commitment to sustainable development, partnerships and community interaction, NPC offers guided tours to our cement plants. The aim is to give our partners – communities, schools and other stakeholders the opportunity to experience our operations, a live production and manufacturing process of our high-quality cement products.

Pupils from Grade 10 – 12 are invited to participate in our Open Doors Programme. NPC staff walk learners through the operations and learners are given insights to what goes into the production of cement. They are given the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the manufacturing process in a safe and controlled environment.

The programme was launched during May 2014. Each of our cement plants hosted a school: Simuma hosted Nkonka High School, Durban had learners from Phambili and Masijabule High School and Newcastle hosted Phuzukubona High School.

Learners and teachers who visited the factories found the tours highly educational. They believe the experience will contribute to their knowledge and understanding of production processes and may encourage some learners to choose to study technical subjects.. This Open Doors Programme may, in the future, help to bridge South Africa’s critical technical skills deficit.

More information from Bavashnee Naidoo, Tel: +27 (0)31 450 4492 / /

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