
Proper concrete repair can save money

24 June 2014

Over the past 40 years, inadequate attention to durability, environment and quality control, has prevented concrete structures from meeting service life expectations.

Deterioration in most structures is shown in surface cracking and spalling from corroding reinforcing steel within the concrete. Regular maintenance at an early stage can substantially extend the life of the structure.

However, “If no repair is carried out, the cost of renovation will be five times the money saved by not repairing”, explains Gordon Mowatt from Spec-Con (Pty) Ltd. “Structures are repaired to make them safe, to restore structural integrity, to facilitate a change of use and to extend the service life, as well as to improve the appearance of the structure,” he said.

A repair solution should involve a diagnostic survey including close-quarter visual inspection by a trained technician. This will enable the correct repair technique and material to be employed.

In current harsh the economic climate every organisation strives to cut costs – and here repair and rehabilitation provides a solution.
Instead of building new and expensive infrastructure, repairing existing infrastructure is the answer.

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