
Putting a stop to corruption

25 November 2014

The aggregate and Sand Producers Association of Southern Africa (Aspasa) has called on its members to help eradicate the scourge of corruption at all levels within the quarrying and construction industries.

Whether corruption is experienced at the point of mining minerals, or to procure business for the building of infrastructure or other large-scale projects, these dishonest business dealings put a strain on the country’s economy. It also has the potential to derail any meaningful efforts to build sustainable and competitive industries in future.

As a result Aspasa is advising members to report incidents of corruption to Government oversight authorities directly, or to make contact with the association to decide the best course of action to deal with the problem.

Stop the scourge

“Illegal mining is a major issue that we are dealing with and in instances where our members believe that corrupt dealings are preventing the course of justice from running its course we would like them to contact us so that we can ensure the authorities responsible can investigate and take action if needed.

“Where corrupt procurement of sand and stone (for infrastructural or large-scale building projects) is suspected, we also recommend that our members take a stand and act against these people. Dishonest dealings such as these not only prevent legal, honest operators from making a living, but also encourages bribery and counter-bribery in future,” says Nico.

He adds that Aspasa continues to work closely with the Department of Mineral Resources, the Chamber of Mines and other mining-related action groups to stop illegally obtained sand and aggregates from entering into the market and to prevent corruption in that industry. Most recently, the association also signed a pledge to the Department of Human Settlements to help stamp out corruption in the housing and related industries.

Together against corruption

“We are committed to ending corruption affecting our industry and appeal to any of our members who suspect dishonest dealings to take decisive action. As an association we want to set the groundwork to make it extremely difficult for anyone to be involved in corrupt dealings. That is why we need to join hands and become active members of the association and begin to act on behalf of everyone within our industry,” Nico concludes.

Aspasa, Nico Pienaar, Tel: (011) 791 3327, Fax: 086 647 8034, Email:, Web:

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