
R60 million Rooi Els beach house becomes a reality

10 December 2014

Along the coastal route from Gordon’s Bay in the Western Cape is the beautiful and peaceful Rooi Els, and amidst the flora and fauna and gorgeous landscapes is an architectural masterpiece, dubbed the Rooi Els Beach House. The design excellence of this R60 million home came to life from a simple napkin drawing, and now stands majestically overlooking a view comparable to none.

R60 million Rooi Els beach house becomes a realityWhen a businessman from Joburg met friend and architect George Elphick, co-founder of Elphick Proome Architects (EPA), this innovative dream began to take form on a small paper serviette. Derived from the idea that one house can be one complete space, EPA had free reign in designing and conceptualising the client’s vision, ultimately creating a global first. “Our client had the courage that enabled us to create an entirely unique concept, essentially combining elements that we, as architects, have explored but seldom been able to implement and achieve. We were allowed uninhibitedly to expand on our existing creative aspirations,” explained Elphick.

He continued: “We are extremely proud to see this vision become a reality and are confident that the future owners of this home will be in awe of the experience that it offers.”

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