
Rwanda govt announces road rehab plans

15 January 2015

The Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Infrastructure has announced plans to rehabilitate and pave more roads across the country.

The country aims to achieve its second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) goals by upgrading and repairing additional 7,192 km of roads to reduce the cost of doing business in the country and reduce poverty through rural development.

The Road Transport Development Agency has drafted a report on the class II roads that will be improved and is awaiting cabinet’s approval.

The percentage of paved national roads is expected to rise to 95% from the current 86% by 2017; 1,011 km of those are expected to be tarmacked by 2018.

The EDPRS is part of Rwanda’s vision 2020 which aims to ensure that the country achieves middle-income status by 2020 by reducing the poverty rates by over 30% and having the average GDP growth rate at 11.5%.

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