
Safcec announces name change

28 February 2014

The South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors has announced a name change. They will now be registered as the South African Forum of Civil Engineering Contractors (SAFCEC).

The forum states: “We go back to 1939 when we were founded as the South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors, supporting established and emerging contractors, irrespective of their company’s size.

“Times have changed, and we have grown leaps and bounds to where we find ourselves today. Forum now better describes our way of business – we present a united voice on issues affecting the civil engineering contracting industry.”

Safcec says: “This name change could not have come at a better time. In 2013 we were presented with a great opportunity to strengthen the organisation through restructuring and ensure we are well placed to improve service delivery to our members and to enhance transformation efforts internally as well as in the civil engineering contracting industry. We see our name change as a significant symbol to illustrate all our changes and achievements to date as we celebrate our 75th anniversary.

“We continue our resolute focus on our members and existing relationships and we remain committed to service excellence when we support our members by meeting their needs for Human Resources & Labour Relations, Training, Transformation & Development, Health & Safety, Contractual and Economic advice, so that they can stay informed and operative in an ever changing demanding environment.”

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