The South Africa Institute of Civil Engineering (SAICE) Transport Division held awards at a on the 20th April to celebrate excellence in the transport engineering world.
In his opening remarks, SAICE’s Transport Division Chairman, Robin Chetty said, “SANRAL plays an important role in the value chain of Transport Engineering, its role in enabling infrastructure development in the sector is pivotal in ensuring a sector that thrives and ensures that standards are held up and quality is continually improved”.
The President of SAICE, Sundran Naicker further underscored the immense importance that SANRAL plays in firstly, careers of Transport Engineers and generally in the civil works spheres as these relate to road works.
Skhumbuzo Macozoma, CEO of SANRAL, gave a keynote address. The emphasis of his address was on growing SANRAL to be a 30 billion plus concern by 2030. Central to this would be to attract, nurture and continually invest in human capital, research and development and transformation of the sector by ensuring vigorous and meaningful participation by SMME’s.
Further to that, would be commercialising SANRAL’s expertise gained throughout the years and expanding its footprint in the continent and beyond.
Four awardees were honoured with Jacobus Johannes “Koos” Smit, Executive Engineering in SANRAL receiving what was arguably the highest honour for the day, the Chairman’s Award. The Chairman read a citation written by former SANRAL CEO Nazir Ali.