US$ 690m has been allocated to the Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) for the construction of berths 13 and 14 with erection scheduled to kick off in 2016/17 fiscal year.
The project, which has been on the drawing board for almost five years, has received funds from World Bank via International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), DFID and TPA.
TPA’s acting Director of Planning and Investment; Gladson Urioh said the funds will also cater for the construction of berth 12 which was relocated from Kurasini Oil Jetty to Mbwamaji in Kigamboni.
A German consultant has replaced the Chinese contractors who were disqualified after failing to deliver on previous projects.
The berths will be transformed to handle grain, dust cargo and fertilizer. Some berths will have conveyer belts to quicken off-loading process.
This initiative is meant to bridge the gap to enable Dar Port to receive 1.2 TEUs by 2019; presently it receives 600,000 TEUs.